I Guns N’ Roses danno lezioni di “Hard Skool” in una nuova canzone

I Guns N’ Roses hanno rilasciato un’altra nuova canzone estratta dalle loro sessioni di Chinese Democracy intitolata “Hard Skool“. Segue la loro performance e la successiva uscita ufficiale “Absurd”, una rielaborazione del loro inedito “Silkworms”.

Nella canzone, il frontman Axl Rose da dure lezioni da seguire in una relazione, in cui essere testardo e intransigente potrebbe non darti ottimi frutti. “Dovevi giocare alla grande, dovevi farlo a modo tuo. Dovevi essere uno sciocco, dovevi buttare via tutto”, canta. Nel video audio che hanno condiviso, il numero 1-800 scarabocchiato su un armadietto nella clip fa riferimento a una linea hot Americana.

Solo per gioco, l’introduzione presenta il suono di una campana della scuola.

In origine, il titolo provvisorio era “Jackie Chan”.

È un pezzo rock piatto e senza fronzoli, condito con giri di chitarra fumanti. Facci sapere se ti è piaciuto attraverso i commenti.

La band è attualmente in tournée e la scorsa settimana, durante la loro tappa all’Etess Arena di Atlantic City, il frontman Rose ha discusso della prima canzone che è stata scritta per i Guns N’ Roses, “Don’t Cry“.

Il testo di Hard Skool dei Guns N’ Roses

[Verso 1]
All cautions made, every chance was given
No effort spared to save what we had
All in good faith I would not hesitate
To extend myself and lend you my hand

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway

[Verso 2]
As tempers fade and lies forgiven
No cause embraced could break what we had
In its place a storm is liftin’
I would’ve thought you could be more of a man

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway

[Guitar Solo]

Ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy
Ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway
Had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway
Had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway

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